JSC Moldova Steel Works
Moldovan metallurgical Plant (MMP)
The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, Rybnitsa, 2004-2008.
We have done
Stage 1. Manufacturing facility.
To ensure air quality and temperature, 23 supply-and-exhaust units "Petra" (Jordan) with a built-in high-capacity refrigeration system were used in control rooms. The capacity of the supply and exhaust system is 3000-12000 m3 / h. The temperature of the ambient air in the shop is 60 ° C, the temperature of 23 ° C should be maintained at the technological stations.
Stage 2. Point of production management.
In a 3-storey building adjacent to the workshop, a "YORK" (USA) chiller with a capacity of 50 kW and 27 fancoils "YORK" is installed. To ensure ventilation, we use the supply and exhaust systems of our own production of TT-Group with a total capacity of 6,000 m3 / h. We also built all the pipelines of the heating system and the water supply in the building.
Stage 3. Reconstruction of the dining room.
The ventilation system has been reconstructed and fans replaced with new ones. Replaced air ducts.
The stage 4. Reconstruction of recreation center.
The air conditioners of the split-system "Dekker" (China) are installed in the rooms of the sanatorium. The works on the system of supply and exhaust ventilation of the indoor pool, with an area of 125 m2, were performed. A supply and exhaust unit of own production with a plate recuperator was used.
Other projects

Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, plumbing and sewage.
Open project